Rotterdam Ahoy
11 - 12 September 2024

Features and seminars

Towards a Nature-Inclusive Urban Environment


Marjan Ketner - Copijn Landschapsarchitecten

The facade plantings of Sawa, the tropical garden of Hotel Jakarta and the restoration of the formal gardens surrounding the Rijksmuseum have in common that they were designed by Copijn Landscape Architects. How do we create climate-adaptive places and meaningful urban nature in which flora, fauna and people feel comfortable?

Seminar in Dutch

Reflections on the Design of Facades


Dirk Somers - Bovenbouw

Architectural history and current events go hand in hand at Bovenbouw. Using historical examples and contemporary projects, Dirk Somers tells a story about his relationship with facades.

Seminar in Dutch

Building with Minerals and Fibers


Jan Nauta - Studio Nauta

What if we use wood for the construction of buildings, bio-based crops for their insulation and rammed earth for the mass? Then we can rely on forestry for construction, on agriculture for insulation and on earth for the mass. Studio Nauta works towards this in their projects.

Seminar in Dutch

Design & Plan


Profiles of Architects






With the support of